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Notizie dalla Liguria

Turismo medicale. Le misure per attrarre i pazienti con la valigia

Dichiarazioni del Presidente Gabriele Pelissero a Adnkronos Salute

Abolire l'Iva sulle prestazioni a pazienti stranieri, facilitare l'iter per i visti sanitari, fare sistema per competere alla pari con le destinazioni estere e aumentarele sinergie tra ospedali, ricerca, industria biotech e università. Sono queste le azioni da mettere in campo per promuovere il turismo medicale in Italia - un comparto che in Europa vale già 47 miliardi di euro, il 4,6% dell'intero fatturato dei viaggi - emerse dal convegno organizzato da Intercare, la fiera dedicata al Turismo medicale e all'Internazionalizzazione dei sistemi sanitari, all'interno di Bit.

Notizie Aiop Nazionale

AI2M - First annual Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Medicine Meeting

AI2M - First annual Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Medicine Meeting

L'evento patrocinato da AIOP si terrà a Bologna, dal 19 al 21 Settembre 2024, presso il Royal Hotel Carlton, in Via Montebello 8. Codice sconto per gli Associati AIOP: AI2M-DISCOUNT.

The last few years have seen a proliferation of machine learning and data driven applications to enhance medical care. Despite these efforts there are no EMA/FDA approved models to aid procedural medicine. Moreover, despite the recent rise in robotic surgery popularity, the platform is merely used as an extended limb for the surgeon, and we do not capitalize on the immense amount of data collected to improve surgical outcomes.

This is a multifactorial problem. First and foremost it is difficult to find clinicians willing to devote their time to develop products which are outside of their area of expertise. Moreover it is difficult to find and connect to engineering teams which would aid clinicians in the developments of these products. Lastly, hospital systems are ill equipped to host the infrastructure to implement pipelines devoted to creation and testing of models.

The goal of the first Artificial Intelligence and Innovation meeting is to bring together clinicians and engineers to develop such integrated solutions, to deliver healthcare products that leverage all the knowledge in computer science developed over the last decades. We believe that Europe, being of an incredible receptacle for healthcare and engineering talent is the right place to hold such a meeting.

Please join thought leaders from US/Europe from both Healthcare and Tech in Bologna for the inaugural event of this medicine/engineering joint venture. The meeting will be hosted in “the food capital of Italy” during one of the best possible season to visit this country.

Filippo Filicori (US)
Gilberto Poggioli (IT)


QUI il link per iscriversi all'evento.

Codice sconto per gli Associati AIOP: AI2M-DISCOUNT.


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